eSight Eyewear

Client Details

Testimonial Letter

eSight is an electronics firm that has created a unique product for improving the sight of those who had previously been considered legally blind to see once again.

As a start-up we were seeking an ERP business system to help manage the bill of material, revision control and the supply chain aspects of the product we build in addition to the financials and order management functions. Given the medical device nature of our products, traceability and product design controls are critical.

In selecting an ERP system for our needs we needed to meet the deep functional controls as required by our industry and balance the ease of use requirements of our staff. All this while respecting a limited budget and a desire for a SaaS offering.

Another factor was to select a partner that could quickly translate our requirements into a realistic project given our resources that would deliver the project on time and on budget. We chose the Epicor software (SaaS version) and Six S Partners to fill that need.

Over a period of six months we were able to move off of our financial-centric systems and integrate the Epicor Kinetic ERP software into the business with new processes that were designed to allow us to scale the business effectively and grow extensively without the need to add staff. Now live for over 10 months, we are reaping the benefits as our business is growing and we have the tools to manage the growth.

We have appreciated the support and partnership that Six S Partners has provided and would recommend any firm looking for a strong ERP and implementation to investigate the Epicor solution from Six S Partners.