Rubber and Plastics

We understand that for manufacturers working with plastics and rubber, the variety of composite materials, the variety of products currently being produced, and the rapid change in development of new products all come together to demand greater agility within the organization.

Epicor Kinetic ERP for rubber and plastics enables all types of plastic and rubber manufacturers (including extruders, rotational moulding, injection molders, thermoformers, compounders, and film and bag makers) to tighten delivery schedules, manage raw materials, reduce excess inventory, and increase profits.

Epicor solutions are uniquely positioned with cross-industry functionality to meet the strict guidelines of many other sectors in which rubber and plastics business operate, including aerospace and defense, automotive, industrial machine, medical device, electronics, and more. Specific features include:

1. Cost management of each production run, including part-based and run-based reporting

2. Embedded scheduling and advanced planning and scheduling functionality designed to help you meet your customers’ demands

3. Manage re-grind of gates and runners

4. Co-product and family mold and tool management

5. Maintenance management for equipment

6. Machine monitoring and MES process parameter management

7. The robust Epicor infrastructure coupled with its quality suite offers a comprehensive approach to automating the compliance process, including meeting the requirements of ISO/AS/TS

8. Material requirements planning tools help manage the ever-increasing array of plastics that you work on; Epicor MRP tools can forecast parts requirements, adjust production as forecasts change, and generate suggested purchase orders to fill anticipated gaps in your raw material inventory

Read about one business in the rubber and plastics industry that chose Epicor Kinetic ERP to support its business objectives:

Let’s talk about how we can work together to help you meet your unique business objectives.